allergy Aware
Adapted from the children’s book
‘Me And My Injector-Pen’.
A.S.A.P is a fun, yet fact finding play brought to you by Kids Active Theatre Company that aims to teach young children a very simple but important lesson for life – Be Allergy Aware, it can save lives. An adaptation of the book Me & My Injector-Pen by Suki Bhachu, like many parents that have young children with food allergies, Suki fears for the health and life of her young son everyday. Having a food allergy, isn't something to be shy about, and yet so may of our children don't speak up about their allergens, either from being too young to acknowledge them, or for reasons they'd rather not tell.
A.S.A.P aims to clear up any confusion surrounding the entire topic of allergies for children aged 4-8 years, perfect age groups that will be ingrained with life saving knowledge. The play, which is full of fun facts, headed by great characters and catchy songs will help them understand the potentially deadly effects of not complying with allergy-safe rules. These lessons aren't meant to scare, just to educate and they are not just for the school yard, but in the surroundings of everyday life, throughout their lives.
With the use of props, puppets, speech, song, conversation and logic, the characters can open up the conversation to the children through humour and play. The play conveys the importance of allergies without dumbing down the subject matter, but also not frightening the children with horror stories.
The play is tailored towards all food allergies and how they can affect us in different ways.
15 different food allergies
It looks at the different types of reaction you might get and how these can vary from person to person.
It talks about the eight most common food allergies.
Talks about keeping safe, why we must not share our food with others that may have an allergy - why that is important?
What symptoms to look out for. Why it’s important to tell people you have an allergy and if you see someone with those symptoms it’s best to alert an adult.
It covers Adrenaline or Epi-Pens, what are they, how do they work?
The overall message, and one that children will remember,
be AWARE of the SYMPTOMS and ASK someone for help, PHONE a doctor
Buyers for Animation Series, Merchandise Licensing or Publishing Rights:
Please contact:
Danielle Cowlbeck
Tel: 020 36333761